Meet the Authors: BJ Magnani

More than 20 years ago, Dr. Lily Robinson--the brilliant pathologist and toxicologist--was a member of a scientific expedition in Colombia that ended in the death of her colleagues and, presumably, her little girl. Unaware of the true circumstances of her tragedy, her memory blocked in self-preservation, Dr. Robinson's despair made her fair game for recruitment by a secret government agency whose objective is to eliminate threats to a free and peaceful world. Her guiding mantra, "the good of the many outweighs the good of the one," allowed her to rationalize, and to lead, a double life--a physician in one world, and a covert assassin in another.

Author of The Power of Poison, BJ Magnani, PhD, MD, is Professor of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. Dr. Magnani has used her knowledge of toxicology to create medical thrillers featuring Dr. Lily Robinson, who doubles as an assassin for the government. Fictional works include Lily Robinson and the Art of Secret Poisoning and The Queen of All Poisons.

Come meet Dr. Magnani and dozens of other authors at Books in Boothbay on September 11. Support the local library and railway village with onsite book purchases, and get your books signed!