Award-winning author Irene M. Drago, author of The Maine Point, grew up in a Navy family. Before moving to Maine, she worked for the Defense Department as a Russian analyst, earned a Master of Arts degree in Spanish language and literature, and taught at the high school and college level. When she fell under the spell of an historic home in Bath, she convinced her husband to follow her to the coast of Maine where she was inspired to write Daughters of Long Reach and its sequel, The Maine Point. Ms. Drago is the recipient of a Next Generation Indie Book Award and a Spirit of Bath Award. In the summer, she and her husband enjoy piloting their boat around Casco Bay with their children and grandchildren.

Come meet Irene and dozens of other authors at Books in Boothbay on September 11. Support the local library and railway village with onsite book purchases, and get your books signed!